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State Budget Trends That Are Impacting Higher Education

State budgeting is a critical component of higher education funding. A state's budget determines the amount of funding allocated to public and private institutions, which significantly impacts financial aid grants to students. As legislatures work to finalize their annual state budgets, higher education institutions need to remain vigilant in monitoring three trends that could impact their funding.

1. Rising Tuition Fees

With budgets tightening, states may aim to reduce their reliance on higher education funding. This could cause an increase in tuition fees for students across the country. Such a move could further exacerbate the burden of higher education costs on students, who are already struggling with student debt. This lack of funding may force institutions to cut programs, which could impact the quality of education students receive.

According to College Board data, state funding for higher education decreased during the pandemic, with an average decline of 3.2% per student. As a result, public colleges increased tuition by an average of 1.1%. These trends indicate that tuition costs may continue to rise, putting more pressure on students.

2. Inflation and Decreasing Funding

The inflation rate is higher now than in previous years, which means that the impact of cuts in funding will be greater. When budgets fail to keep pace with inflation, any growth in funding is quickly eroded. This impacts higher education institutions, as they struggle to contend with rising operating costs.

Data from the National Association of State Budget Officers shows an average increase of only 2.6% in higher education funding in 2020, which had to be spread over a broader range of programs due to the pandemic. With inflation at 5.4%, the actual value of the funding allocated to higher education institutions could decrease by 2.8%.

3. Free College Programs

Several states have already adopted free college programs that waive tuition and fees for eligible students in public institutions. Though some programs apply only to community colleges, others cover four-year public institutions as well. These programs aim to increase the accessibility of higher education and reduce the burden of student debt.

However, free college programs could cut funding for institutions that are not part of the program, affecting their budgets and enrollment. For example, in Tennessee’s "Promise" program, enrollment in four-year programs declined in private colleges, where the program did not apply.

The Future of Higher Education Funding

While these three trends are just the beginning, they provide insight into how state budgets are likely to evolve in the coming years. Tuition fees may continue to increase, making higher education less accessible to students, while inflation could put pressure on institutions already struggling with funding cuts. Free college programs may further hurt institutions that are not part of such programs.


State budget trends are a critical aspect of higher education funding that institutions must keep a close eye on. Rising tuition fees, inflation, and free college programs are trends that could significantly impact the accessibility and affordability of higher education. Understanding these trends and preparing for their impact can help our institutions to continue providing high-quality education to students.

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